Thanks Mitch. That's what I figured, I think I am going to use .001M HCl. My next question is when to do this wash and what to use to rinse it off in. The deposition of this Silane proceeds as follows.
1. Dip sample into solution of ethanol/silane for 2 minutes.
2. Rinse free of excess materials by dipping in ethanol.
3. Cure sample at 110C for 5-10 minutes.
My questions are thefollowing:
1. Do I want to apply the silane, cure the sample, then perform the acids wash? Or do I deposit the silane, wash with acid then cure at the end?
2. How long in the HCl wash do I want to keep the sample. Few seconds or few minutes?
3. After dipping the sample in the HCl do I want to rinse with dH2O, or Ethanol since that is the solventI used to deposit the silane with.