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Topic: Carbene hybridization  (Read 15722 times)

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Offline nj_bartel

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Carbene hybridization
« on: September 04, 2008, 01:17:05 AM »
Can someone explain to me why a carbene with a lone pair is sp2 hybridized and a carbene with 2 lone electrons is sp hybridized?  I understand that the triplet methylene exists due to Pauli Exclusion, but why do the spin unpaired electrons belong in p orbitals?  Why can't they be hybridized?

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Re: Carbene hybridization
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2008, 01:00:32 PM »
Think of your MO diagrams.  2 p orbitals will be degenerate, but an sp2 and a p orbital will have different energies.  It is the difference between placing one electron in each of 2 degenerate orbitals or one electron in a lower energy orbital and one electron in a higher energy orbital.  That being said, the H-C-H angle in methylene (CH2) has been determined to be ~135o.  I'll leave you with two quotes.  One from my advanced organic text (Carey and Sundberg, Advanced Organic Chemistry: B) and one from a 'Google book' I found through a Google search (Moss, Platz & Jones, Reactive Intermediate Chemistry):

Carey & Sundberg:
The bonds in the corresponding triplet carbene structure are formed from sp orbitals, with the unpaired electrons being in two orthogonal p orbitals.  A linear structure would be predicted for this bonding arrangement.

Both theoretical and experimental studies have provided more detailed information about carbene structure.  MO calculations lead to the prediction of H-C-H angles for methylene of ~135o for the triplet and ~105o for the singlet.  The triplet is calculated to be about 8 kcal/mol lower in energy than the singlet.  Experimental determinations of the geometry of CH2 tend to confirm the theoretical results.  The H-C-H angle of the triplet state, as determined from the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectrum, is 125-140o.  The H-C-H angle of the singlet state is found to be 102o by electronic spectroscopy.

Moss, Platz & Jones:
To understand the difference between the singlet and the triplet state, let us consider a prototypal carbene.  The carbon atom can be either linear or bent, each geometry is describable by a specific hybridization.  The linear geometry implies an sp hybridized carbene center with two non bonding degenerate orbitals (px py).  Bending the molecule breaks this degeneracy and the carbon atom adopts an sp2-type hybridization: the py orbital remains almost unchanged (it is usually called pz), while the orbital that starts as a pure px orbital is stabilized because it acquires some s character (it is therefore called σ).  The carbene ground-state multiplicity is related to the relative energy of the σ and px orbitals.  The singlet ground state is favored by a large σ-px separation.
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Re: Carbene hybridization
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2008, 04:15:47 PM »
Took me a while, but I believe that makes sense; thanks  :)

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