I am preparing some small molecules for my collaborator to run assays on. All the compounds I have synthesized so far have turned out to be oils, so in order to transfer them to vials prior to submission I dissolve them in ethyl acetate, transfer the solution to a vial, and rotovap off the ethyl acetate. I leave it on the rotovap for awhile to dry, and then allow it to dry further under high vacuum. I met with my collaborator yesterday and he asked if all my compounds were lyophilized. I have been in working in organic chemistry labs for a few years, and I have never seen anyone lyophilize their samples prior to assaying, unless it is a peptide. So I was wondering, would there be any benefit to lyophilizing my samples? I have always assumed by allowing my compound to dry on the rotovap and under high vacuum would suffice for drying my samples.