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Topic: Questions about exposure to certain chemicals  (Read 4611 times)

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Offline PatriotDave

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Questions about exposure to certain chemicals
« on: July 28, 2009, 04:51:48 PM »
Hey ya'll, my name is Dave. I have a few questions about me being exposed to certain chemicals when im at work.. also about what sort of protection i should use (sorry our msds is in bad shape and cannont make out what it says)..

1. Glyphosate
2. 2-4 D
3. Payload
4. sfm 75
5. sufactant

sorry i do not know the chemistry terms of these just the generic names, but any info would help, thanks ya'll

Offline Agent-X

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Re: Questions about exposure to certain chemicals
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2009, 06:54:05 PM »
Hey ya'll, my name is Dave. I have a few questions about me being exposed to certain chemicals when im at work.. also about what sort of protection i should use (sorry our msds is in bad shape and cannont make out what it says)..

1. Glyphosate
2. 2-4 D
3. Payload
4. sfm 75
5. sufactant

sorry i do not know the chemistry terms of these just the generic names, but any info would help, thanks ya'll

I was pretty sure that companies had to give you a website or location to find MSDS information.

Scroll down to see a list of websites.
Otherwise, search on the Internet.
Furthermore, you'll want to be more specific with the chemicals you are looking up.
I suspect the chemicals are labeled, so you can relate them the the MSDS tabulature.
Intermittent SFN member. Former RS member. Washu is the bomb.

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