You burn 10.0g of a compound consisting of C, H, N, and O. 14.7% of it is Nitrogen. When it is burned in oxygen it forms 19.8 grams of CO2 and 14.6 grams of H2O.
This is how my Chem teacher 3 years ago showed me...
His instructions (easy steps) to find the Empirical (simplest) Formula was simple:
1.) You need to know the amount of each element present:
First follow Nielsgeode's instructions for nitrogen..
To find C, H, and O you need to:
C=12.011/44.009 = 0.2729x 19.8= 5.404 grams
H=2.0158/18.0148 = 0.1119x 14.6= 1.634 grams
O= Subtract C, H, & N from your original 10 grams
2.) Convert these amounts to moles:
To get from grams to moles you need to divide each number above by the amu of the element..
3.) Divide each by the least amount of moles you found:
(self explanatory)
4.) Make #2 into your subscripts:
Round your answers to the nearest whole number then do this
Does that make sense to you?