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Topic: Energy, Heat, and Work  (Read 4786 times)

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Offline sabah

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Energy, Heat, and Work
« on: October 20, 2008, 10:30:27 AM »
A mole of X reacts at a constant pressure of 43.0 atm via the reaction

X(g) + 4Y(g) --> 2Z(g), Delta H = -75.0 kJ

Before the reaction, the volume of the gaseous mixture was 5.00 L. After the reaction, the volume was 2.00 L. Calculate the value of the total energy change, Delta E, in kilojoules.

Express your answer numerically in kilojoules.

Offline Astrokel

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Re: Energy, Heat, and Work
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2008, 11:51:33 AM »
this is a question of first law of thermodynamics.

:delta: U = Q + W
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