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Offline airswingman

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School Comparison Help
« on: December 10, 2008, 05:30:54 AM »
hi all:

       I am an international student from Japan, willing to ransfer to Gulfcost area to study as a BS chemical engineering major. I have two options
1. Louisiana State University Baton Rouge
2. University of Louisiana at Lafayette

     I know these are general state university  ,LSU is in a bigger city and ULL is a small town but has several oil company around. other than those i can not tell the differences between them. I plan to work in the US for a while and come back to Japan. So i don;t know if there is any differences will affect my job opporunity or for engineering major the state schools are pretty much the same. Please give me some suggestion.

thanks ;)

Offline enahs

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Re: School Comparison Help
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2008, 01:27:13 PM »
LSU has a much better and well funded and respect Chemistry program.

LSU is one of the better schools for chemistry program in this country. I would rank it in the top 10 my self.

Not sure about the Chemical Engineering program,  but I would imagine it to be similar.

Offline airswingman

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Re: School Comparison Help
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2008, 07:56:43 PM »
Hi enahs

         Thank you so much for your quick response :rolleyes: , it is really helpful. Seems LSU is overall better school.

         Since iam a transfer student, UL Lafayette transfer the most credit for me however LSU's Curriculum seems exceptional, so  they only transfer very few of my class( i am a junior  student),maybe i will be freshmen student after i transfer to there :( . I want to graduate soon  though better school degree is very attractive to me. i am Self-contradictory.

So, here is my another question hope you could give me some advise :  For my understanding,both school are ordinarily state school, maybe LSU is well-know . :huh: So,as a BS engineering degree,Do employers look away from people from lesser known engineering universities? Or the well named school would also be able to get a better co-op job, or internship; even before graduation? Please help me out.


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Re: School Comparison Help
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2008, 08:10:58 PM »
Having a bachelors degree from a more well known and respected school will just get your application/resume noticed. It will not be the deciding factor if you get the job (unless the person hiring you really likes the LSU football team!). Getting the job will still be up to your interview, references and experience.
A bachelors degree from a more respected school is better, but really, a bachelors is a bachelors is a bachelors. Bachelors just indicates you are supposed to have learned the fundamental basics.

A graduate degree from a more respected school than a less one is a different story though. That means a lot more. But again, this difference in school reputation can completley be made up by your research and work experience.

How many credit hours will you lose? Does UL at Lafayette offer a masters program in Chemical Engineering?
Will you lose enough time transferring to LSU that in the same time at UL at Lafayette you could get (or almost get, take just ~1 more semester) a masters degree?
A masters degree from a lesser known school is worth a lot more than a bachelors .

Many people do not realize that you do not typically have to pay to go to graduate school, the school will pay you to go there! This is of course highly dependent on you, the school and available funds!


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