It really depends, on the particular reagents, and the vendor. As I recall, when I worked for a small company trying to develop a new instrument, as long as the company was incorporated, and registered as such, we could order reagents of the sort normally found in a university lab -- TRIS, borate buffers, etc. Even dangerous things, like ethidium bromide, ammonium persulfate, and the like, in research amounts, were fine. Once we ordered 1 N nitric, and Sigma called, just to casually ask about the credentials of the end-user -- did they know the risks? Fortunately, it was ordered by my boss, who did have a Ph.D., and that was enough for them. A guy nearby fount Sigma-Aldric's procedure to be annoying -- because it really doesn't help prevent accidents or lawsuits, one can say anything on the phone.