can we say that it is just formed without respecting Zaitsev's rule?
yes. we can say the minor product is formed in spite of Zaitsev's rule, or in contradiction to Zaitsev's rule.
as we started with H3PO4 and, during the reaction, made it "change" to H2PO4-, why don't we regenerate the catalyst (H3PO4) instead of using water (thus generating H3O+) (H2PO4-'s got a lone pair as well).
With respect, you're thinking about it too literally. There are a couple of answers to your question, though. First think about the different acidic equilibria that are actually going on. What probably actually happens first is acid base reaction between phosphoric acid and water:
H3PO4 + H2O --><-- H2PO4- + H3O+
The equilibrium is fast. The implication of this is that the actual active catalyst is probably H
+, not really H
4. Thus, while it's acceptable to have the alcohol pick up the proton from phosphoric acid, in all actuality, it probably takes the proton from the hydronium ion.
Second, it's not as if the alcohol thinks to itself, "Ok, I'm under acidic conditions... Phosphoric acid is the catalyst... I'll swim around until I find phosphoric acid and then pick up a proton." Rather, the acidic proton is probably shuttling around between several different molecules very quickly. The acidic proton starts on phosphoric acid. Water picks up the proton to form H
+. Another water molecule takes the proton from the first water molecule. A molecule of the alcohol takes the proton from the protonated water molecule, but doesn't heterolytically cleave to the carbocation (this is plausible. It requires a non-trivial amount of energy to heterolytically cleave a protonated alcohol. It is spontaneous, but it is the rate limiting step of the reaction). A different alcohol molecule might take the acidic proton from the first alcohol molecule. Then a third molecule of water might pick up the proton for a while.. So what I'm saying is that it's not so cut and dry as 'add phosphoric acid. alcohol takes proton from phosphoric acid...' There are a number of acid/base equilibria occuring: phosphoric acid and water, hydronium ion and water, hydronium ion and alcohol, phosphoric acid and alcohol, all are fast, and all are reversible. Where is the actual acidic proton at the time the alcohol takes it and heterolyitcally cleaves? Who knows.
To rectify this in our minds, organic chemists don't usually think about it in such literal, quantitative terms. We know there's acid, we know it's a catalyst, but it really doesn't matter which exact molecule has the proton that the alcohol takes. It only matters that it picks up a proton.
What organic chemists usually do when drawing a mechanism under acid catalysis is to just say the proton comes from some acidic molecule HB (Where B
- is any conjugate base: H
4-, H
2O, R-OH (an un-protonated alcohol). The first step of the mechanism would be the alcohol taking a proton from this generic acid, HB, to generate protonated alcohol, R-OH
2+, and a conjugate base, B
-. After the C-O bond heterolytically cleaves to form the carbocation, we usually just say some generic base, B
-, takes the beta proton and forms the alkene.
It is not usually taught this way, though. Ambiguity doesn't go over very well with students in a lecture class where exams and grading are involved

. If you'd like to think about it that the phosphoric acid donates the proton to the alcohol, then the hydrogen phosphate anion removes the proton to form the alkene, that's fine and you wouldn't be marked wrong (if I were grading it... you may want to check with your instructor for the actual grading policy...) All I was trying to say is think about the statistics: very small amount of acid catalyst. Many more water molecules in solution (you even generate more water as the reaction progresses when the C-O bond heterolytically cleaves to liberate a molecule of water). It's just statistically more probable that water collides with the carbocation to form the alkene than hydrogen phosphate anion.
But, I wouldn't get too hung up on it (even if I was a bit wordy in my explanation...). You have the right idea about the dehydration. You know what's going on. You seem to have a good grasp on the mechanism.