There are big things happening in organometallic chemistry especially as it pertains to pharmaceuticals. If you're interested in pharmacology and organic chemistry, then you would be best served by looking into organic and biochemistry and perhaps focusing less on inorganic. If I were you, I would base my decision on how much I liked the professor and how encouraging and engaging he was. If he really likes his field, his energy could rub off on you too!
As for job opportunities, that's highly dependent on your skills--I don't think much of a blanket statement could be made of which is better. The fields are constantly developing what with new equipment (especially computers), techniques, and new minds working!
FeLiXe, mind that cisplatin if ever you work with it! I was shocked to read just how carcinogenic this chemotherapeutic (or is antitumorogenic better?) is! I work with Pt, Pd, and Rh compounds on a very frequent basis, so you can imagine how concerned I am.
An interesting paper as reference: