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Topic: can you please tell me what the end product is?  (Read 2525 times)

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Offline celtic07

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can you please tell me what the end product is?
« on: December 12, 2008, 07:28:11 PM »
Metal carbonyls exchange CO with other ligands (groups that bind to the metal!) as a rule of thumb.

I had a series of reactions that lead to each other, I ended up with this metal complex [Mo (CO)4(C12H8N2)]

now I have to react it with these other substances and find what metal complex it gives, I know that it must be an ANIONIC complex, but no idea as to what it is.

Please, everyone who reads this, could you give any ideas you have, they might help, thanks a lot.

[Mo (CO)4 (C12H8N2) + (C6H5)4 PCl + C7H8 + CH3CN =...

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Re: can you please tell me what the end product is?
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2008, 08:43:47 AM »
I can't easily see the tetraphenylmethane part reacting here, could it be the bis chloride or similar displacing some CO ?


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