Hello is the following true?
Given: The oxidizing power of halogens decreases as the group is descended from Fluorine to Iodine. This is because a strong oxidizing agent attracts electrons strongly to itself and Fluorine is most able to do this because few electrons shielding the nucleus
Given: The reducing power of hydrogen halides increases as the group is descended from Fluorine to Iodine. This is because a strong reducing agent wants to lose electrons strongly
So is the following conclusion correct? The equlibrium
I- <> I + e- lies to the right
F- <> F + e- lies strongly to the left
Hence in the case of HI the I- in molecule "wants" to form Iodine, hence it wants to lose its electrons by giving them to some other atom or ion or molecule. The recipient is more easily reduced than if HF was used as the reducing agent.
So is the following true ?
If X is a strong oxidizing agent then HX is a weak reducing agent?
If Y is a weak oxidizing agent then HY is a strong reducing agent?
(for any X or Y)