There are many knowlegeable people here that have already gone through what I'm about to (or something similar). So, here is my delima: I'm going to transfer out from my JC at the end of the spring semmester. Eventually, I want to major in biochemistry but can't decide if I should get my BS in biochem or not. My advisor, who has his PhD in Biochemistry, said it would be best if I just went for my BS in just chemistry. But, if I decide to do my BS in biochemistry, I can do a dual degree program and do a dual degree program in biochem and molecular biology and finish them both in about 2 years. But, its not ACS certified....whicih brings me to my next point. How important is an ACS certification?
So, if I do decide to get a BS in chemistry and should go to an ACS certified program, how important is prestige? I mean, its obviously important but if I'm going to grad school afterwards, does it really matter where my BS comes from? Also, I have a chance to go to a school that has a Nobel Laureate on staff (a fairly prestigious school with an ACS certification)....should that play in role in my consideration?
Well, I know that is a lot of crap to read but I appreciate any help.