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Topic: chiral and achiral  (Read 3047 times)

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chiral and achiral
« on: January 31, 2009, 05:28:59 PM »
In the problem I have to "Draw each structure below along with its mirror image. Indicate whether the compound is chiral or achiral." I know what it means to be chiral and achiral, my problem is when I am given the chemical forumula CH3CClBrH, I have problems with its 3D shape. I know how to do absolute configeration, Br(1), Cl(2), CH3(3), H(4) and I know H has to be in the back, but how do I know if Br or Cl is facing out?

p.s. I am using a model kit.


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Re: chiral and achiral
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2009, 05:57:22 PM »
For this exercise, it doesn't matter.  Make an arbitrary decision for the first one, then you can draw it and it's mirror image.  Make sure you can figure out (based on your arbitrary configuration) which is R and which is S.  Then, in later assignments when you are told the molecule is R and you are to draw the 3-d configuration, you can do so.
Knowing why you got a question wrong is better than knowing that you got a question right.

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