Yes, its a particle in a 1-D box. E1 corresponds to n=1. At n=1 what is the energy? Its ground state, so there is no energy (ignoring zero-point energy). When looking at a wave, energy corresponds to the number of nodes in a wave (simplest explanation). So, zero energy, zero nodes. At E2, n=2. 1 node...and it goes up from there...n=3 you get 2 nodes etc etc. So, you just need to draw a sin wave with no nodes and one node.
I'm not totally sure what is meant by part b. But I'm guessing they want a wave equation to go with a, b, c..
find the length (x) at a,b,c and stick that in the wave equation with n=1 and n=2 (depending on which wave your using)
hope that helps some....