Hi, I'm new. I'm a highschool student, and I am in great need of help with my chemistry project. I had to pick a topic and write up an experiment for it. (but not actually carrying out the experiment)
My topic is on tea. I plan on researching for which kind of tea contains the highest amount of polyphenols. The teas I plan on using are Green, Black, White, and Oolong.
I'm having alot of trouble getting a start on this because at the same time, my teacher is teaching us about chemistry as we progress with our research. So I'm wondering what kind of analytical methods there are to finding out polyphenol content in tea. One person (not on this forum) suggested I see at what wavelength polyphenols absorb ultraviolet radiation, and measure that. The person also mentioned that the concentration was proportional to the absorbance according to Beer's Law.
I'm not sure how effective that method would be, so I'm hoping there would be a somewhat easier method. I also have trouble understanding Beer's law.
Thanks agian for the help, should someone provide me with any. Other information on polyphenols would also be greatly appreciated!