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Topic: Calculating Equlibrium concentrations  (Read 3034 times)

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Calculating Equlibrium concentrations
« on: March 17, 2009, 06:05:06 PM »
Hi, I was hoping someone could help me with this one question I can't seem to figure out:

Equal volumes of 0.12M AgNO3 and 0.14M ZnCl2 solution are mixed.  Calculate the equilibrium concentrations of Ag+, Cl-, Zn2+, and NO3-

I started it off by calculating the moles of AgNO3 to be .07 mol (.12M * .5L = .06) Assuming there was half a liter of each to make 1 liter of solution total.
I got moles of ZnCl2 the same wayand got .07 moles.

Then I set up my reaction:  Ag(NO3) + ZnCl2 ::equil:: AgCl2 + Zn(NO3)

I tried setting up an I.C.E. table to try to figure out the equilibrium concentrations but i can't seem to get any farther than that point.  That is all the information i'm given about the problem and I don't know any kind of Ksp or anything.

Any Help will be appreciated,



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Re: Calculating Equlibrium concentrations
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2009, 06:25:28 PM »
Try to do it as a limiting reagent question.

In general you should also account for AgCl Ksp, but seems like AgCl can be treated (in the presence of excess of one reactants) as completely insoluble.
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