I'm not entirely sure how to incorporate the pH into the question.
Calculate the reduction potential (at 25°C) of the half-cell MnO
4- (5.00×10-2 M)/ Mn
2+ (3.60×10-2 M) at pH = 2.00.
(The half-reaction is MnO
4- + 8H
+ + 5e
- --> Mn
2+ + 4H
Using the equation Nernst equation, this is what I did. Although, since I didn't incorporate the pH into this. I'm positive that it's incorrect.
o= E-(0.0591/n) log Q
= 1.51 - (0.0591/5) log [(5.00E-2)/(3.60E-2)]
For the pH, i know that 10
-2 = [H
+] = 0.01M
So help would be much appreciated