I thought of something while studying eqbm, havent managed to locate the answer yet. please see if you can help:
If i have a reversible reaction of the type:
A(s) gives B(g)
The eqbm constt. Kp for this reaction will be equal to the partial pressure of B at eqbm.
Now if i take 100 atm of A, and at eqbm, i have 5 atm of B, then Kp is 5.
Suppose i take only 2 atm of A. then the maximum amount of B that can ever be present is will have pressure 2 atms. So, will the eqbm never be reached? and if it is, what is the correct value of Kp for the rxn? If eqbm is not reached, but A gets exhausted, how will i know that this is not the eqbm point in the lab, considering the amount of B will be constant thereafter?