So for my first post, I have a problem with a mechanism ...
1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data
I am given isobutane as my starting material, Br2 and benzoyl peroxide as my radical initiators. My final product is the isobutane with Br attached instead of H.
I have to design the mechanism. I have tried what seems like an endless combination of mechanism attempts, and can't seem to get it. I do not have to include the termination steps, only the initiation and propagation steps.
2. The attempt at a solution
-I homolyzed the Br atom and the benzoyl peroxide at the same time in step one.
-In step two, I took one of the benzoyl peroxide radicals and attempted to remove the H from isobutane creating a radical off the alkyl group.
-In step three, I homolyzed another Br2 molecule added it onto the isobutane radical.
-In step four, I didn't know what to do.
Evidently I have my steps all screwed up. I don't know when I'm supposed to homolyze the peroxide and then what I'm supposed to do with it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.