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Topic: Determination of Chain Length  (Read 7987 times)

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Offline Guitarmaniac86

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Determination of Chain Length
« on: April 28, 2009, 04:22:23 PM »

Some insight required into the following problem.

The question is the following:

Determine the chain length n from the vaules of the end points. The general formula for a linear polymer for polyphosphoric acid is H[PO3H]nOH where there are n strongly acidic hydrogens.

I have to determine the average chain length of a tripolyphosphate polymer using a derivative plot. From my results, the end points were at pH 6.5 at 21cm of NaOH added, pH 8 at 61cm NaOH added and pH 12 at 77.5cm NaOH added.

0.2g tripolyphosphate was dissolved in 250cm water.

Initial concentration: 5.44x10-4 mol dm-3

The sodium tripolyphosphate was converted into the triphosphoric acid and the initial pH was 2.

Im assuming that the polymer is going to be linear and that reaction is 2:1 acid to base since the polymer can react at both ends.

However, I cannot find the average chain length. Can anyone give me a starting point?

I have tried working out how much NaOH reacts with the acid at each end point using the following working:


[H+ = 3.16x10-7 moles.

Therefore 6.32x10-7 NaOH reacts with the STPP

Im toying with Kw and Ka as well but Im actually stuck. Any help will be appreciated.
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Re: Determination of Chain Length
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2009, 05:26:57 PM »
Can you use these numbers to determine molar mass of tripolyphosphate?
Chembuddy chemical calculators - stoichiometry, pH, concentration, buffer preparation,

Offline Guitarmaniac86

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Re: Determination of Chain Length
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2009, 05:33:29 PM »
Can you use these numbers to determine molar mass of tripolyphosphate?

... No... Something has clicked though... I know the RMM of TPP is 367.86425 g/mol... If I can find the moles of TPP that has reacted with the NaOH at each point, I can then work out its mass. From there, I can determine n based on the difference in mass...?

Am I on the right track?

Thank you for your post.

Ah, Ive found another way.

If I plot [change in pH/change in volume] against volume, the formule n=2x/(y+z) gives me chain length.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2009, 05:55:24 PM by Guitarmaniac86 »
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