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Topic: Concept question: Ionic bond & Ion-Dipole  (Read 16747 times)

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Concept question: Ionic bond & Ion-Dipole
« on: May 05, 2009, 11:15:09 AM »
I have hard time understand these 2 concepts between: Ionic bond & Ion-Dipole.
For example, there is a question on my test which asked:

Which one has Ionic bonding and which one has Ion-dipole?
1. NaOH(liquid)
2. NaOH(aqueous)

Can any one please explain to me why the right answer are:
NaOH (l)-- Ionic bonds         
NaOH (aq)-- ion dipole

I understand why NaOH(l) has Ionic Bond, but I don't know why NaOH(aq) has Ion-Dipole bond.

Thank you!

Offline kikistare

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Re: Concept question: Ionic bond & Ion-Dipole
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2009, 11:46:35 AM »
NaOH Liquid refers to sodium hydroxide in the liquid form (pure no water)
NaOH (aqueous) refers to sodium hydroxide in H2O.

When we are talking about NaOH we are talking about Na+ and OH- ions forming a bond with eachother (ion-ion bond)

When we put NaOH in water is creates and Ion-dipole. The water molecules are polar and have dipole moments. They separate the Na+ ion from the OH- ion by orienting the O side (partial negative) toward the Na+ and the H side (partial positive) toward the OH-. So since water is polar and can form a dipole and NaOH is an ionic bond someone decided to call it an Ion-dipole.

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Re: Concept question: Ionic bond & Ion-Dipole
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2009, 11:50:42 AM »
Thanks a lot for your clarification! +Snack  :D

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