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Topic: Electrodeposit question: find mass of CuSO4 in original mixture?  (Read 6217 times)

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Offline Alice5302

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To electrodeposit all the Cu and Cd from a solution of CuSO4 and CdSO4 required 1.30 F of electricity (1F=1 mole e-). The mixture of Cu and Cd that was deposited had a mass of 50.48g.

What mass of CuSO4 was present in the original mixture?

So I think I have to find the molar mass of CuSO4 later on, but I'm really not sure how to start this.

Offline ARGOS++

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Re: Electrodeposit question: find mass of CuSO4 in original mixture?
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2009, 08:06:21 AM »

Dear Alice5302;

The solution results in two equations with two unknown:
Here the first equation:   x mole   +   y mole   =  1.3 mole / 2 =  0.65 mole.

Are you able to spend the second equation in x and y and with the atomic masses (AM) of Cu and Cd, and the total mass (50.48g)?
It is the mass balance over all.

Finally you can convert the amount of Cu into the required mass of CuSO4.

Good Luck!

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