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Topic: I need your opinion!  (Read 2963 times)

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Offline PeriodicTable

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I need your opinion!
« on: July 04, 2009, 09:02:31 AM »

I am working on website I want to create quality Periodic Table website, where people could find information easily. Good visability and usability.

But I am not Chemic, so I am asking you, smart guys, to give me advice or suggestions what I must to improve, add or remove, if I want you to like it.

The mistakes will be removed till 2009/09/01 Have in mind that at this moment only Halogens, Nonmetals, Alkani metals and  Alkaline earth metals are done. And it was not reviewed for any mistakes. But all elements will look like this. Later I will add more information and do print verions for every page. Give me more suggestions for improvements! What you need, what information you want to see there, how it must be show and more. Lets create it together!

Hope to get at least one suggestion, please :) I want create very professional and easy for you Periodic Table online!

And see you on !
« Last Edit: July 04, 2009, 09:32:35 AM by PeriodicTable »

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