Hi. I'm trying to understand the physical nature of chemical bonds, in particular with respect to how the physical shape of the parent molecule is affected by electron configurations.
I understand the oxygen atom has an electron configuration of 1s2 2s2 2p4, which would suggest two complete orbitals, and two half complete orbitals, in the outermost shell.
The two half complete orbitals give the oxygen a valency of 2, which provide bond points that are at an angle to one another, because of the two lone pairs.
My question is how do these complete/incomplete orbitals affect the shape of the orbitals? Do complete orbitals claim a greater solid angle "territory" than incomplete ones?
Also, what is the significance of p and s orbitals on this geometry? Four equal full orbitals would form a tetrahedral shape, and presumably incomplete orbitals distort the tetrahedron as described in the above paragraph, but how is this geometry affected by the fact we are dealing with both s and p orbitals? s orbitals being spherically symmetric presumably are unbiased and don't provide a corner to the tetrahedron? So is it right to think of it as a tetrahedron at all?
thanks for any help you can offer in describing/visualising this
