I'll try to help you... first of all i don't understand why you say:
London-molecule isn't non polar so can't be
Ionic- Can't be because this isnt between a metal and nonmetal
London forces are intermolecular forces between induced dipoles (this happens e.g. because of the dynamic state of the electron cloud) and they don't depend on the dipolar nature of the molecule considered. Think only at the fact that they're the only (very low, usually about 1 kJ/mol) attractions which keep together noble gases in their liquid form. So these interactions are more or less always present... the matter is if they are relevant or not, so if you need to keep track of them when you work on a quantitative analysis of the phenomenon (sometimes you have too: consider how the additional pressure in the van der Waals equation is evaluated from the effect of this kind of bonds).
Then, ionic forces are not only the ones you know in the NaCl crystal so you can't simply say that you need a metal and a non-metal to form such bonds. Most of the times happens so but think only at the intercation between dipoles and ions or induced dipole and ions. That's why salt solvates in water and that's also why water is such a good solvent for ionic and polar compounds.
So, let's check your answers:
Xe - CH
Obviously London forces and also van der Waals forces (in the form of interaction between a dipole, CH
3OH, and an induced dipole, Xe)
3OH - CH
London (here i would say they're irrelevant), not very strong dipole-dipole attraction as CH
3CN isn't very polar and I'd say hydrogen bond too with O and N (the hydrogen bond of the oxydrile with N seems the strongest also because H has its electron cloud decentralized while the other bonds are almost homopolar with C)
3 - HF
London (irrelevant again), a strong hydrogen bond (because of the highest electronegativity of the periodic table, 4.0 of fluorine and the nitrogen which polarizes the H of ammonia) an dipole-dipole forces.
Moreover consider that a dipole-dipole bond is also strengthened by the dipole-induced dipole bond that forms because of the electromagnetic interaction, so aswering to your questions I'd say they have in common London forces and dipole-induced dipole interactions.
I'll post something later on the second question but first tell me if this answer is ok or if you need any more help with these phenomena...