Hey there. A problem:
Explain why TST generally predicts an 'A factor' of less than K
bT/h ?
So far I have gotten this from TST:
A quasi-eqm assumption;

‡ :rarrow:P
Rate equation for P;
d[P]/dt = k‡[AB]‡
d[P]/dt = k‡K‡[A]
d[P]/dt = k[A] where k‡K‡=k
k‡ is proportional to the vibration mode responsible for the conversion of the [AB]‡ into P.
k‡=kν Where ν is the frequency of the vib. mode and k is the constant for the proportionality.
K‡=KbT/hν * K‡'
Where K‡' = e-:delta:G/RT
k=k‡K‡ = kKbT/h * e-:delta:G/RT
As :delta:G = :delta:H - T :delta:S
k=kKbT/h * e :delta:S‡/R * e-:delta:G/RT