I find your questions diffiuclt to understand
1) How many unpaired electrons fill a p orbital?
If a p-orbital is full all the electrons are paired, so your question is unclear.
Can you write what you understand about electron orbitals? Which types are there? What is the "capacity" of each type of orbital? How do they fill as one proceeds through the periodic table? For example how are electrons assigned to 2p as one travels from Boron to Neon?
2) How many orbitals are in a f sublevel?
"f" is a type of orbital. I don't know of sub-levels within orbitals. Find out what the is the electron capacity of an f orbital and in what order it is filled. More simply, start with the transition metals / d-block elements before tackling f orbitals to understand the process of orbital filling as one traverse the periodic table.
3) what is the highest principal energy level for zinc?
Sorry, I don't understand that term but that may be my lack of knowledge.