December 28, 2024, 05:41:36 PM
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Topic: PPM calculations for preparing a solution....Urgent...please *delete me*!!  (Read 2513 times)

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Offline StudentJM

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I need to figure out the answers to these questions for an assignment. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

1. A solution (100mL) containing 325 ppm K+ is analyzed by precipitation it as the tetraphenyl borate K(C6H5)B, dissolving it in acetone solution, and measuring the concentration of tetraphenyl borate ion (C6H5)B- in the solution. If acetone solution volume is 250mL, what is the concentration of the tetraphenyl borate in ppm?

2. I have to repare a 1L of a solution containing 1.00ppm Fe2+. How many grams ferrous ammonium sulphate FeSO4.(NH4)SO4.6H2O must be dissolved and diluted in 1L? What is the molarity of the solution?

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