I have a question about an organic chem lab...
In this lab, we will be given a set of unknown solutions of basic household cleaning materials.
How can i figure out what each substance is?
For example, one set has vinegar, bleach, dish detergent, sugar, hexanes, ethanol... etc.
I can figure out their solubility in water and find pH but in what combinations could i mix them to find out which substance is which?
Also, I will be given cloths with stains on it.
Cloths range from wool, silk, cotton, polyester, nylon etc.
and stains are lipstick, grass stain, graphite/charcoal, potassium iodide.
I'm supposed to list the stains in increasing polarity and use the unknown agents to clean them off...
How can I figure out which substance will work with which stain?
How does the type of cloth affect it?
How can I tell which cloth has a stronger interaction with which stain and how can i figure out which substance can overcome this??
for instance, for lipstick stain, because it's oily, i might use an oil-based substance to clean it... but how is this related to the type of cloth?