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Topic: MEK vs MIBK  (Read 9683 times)

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Offline gluedudeguru

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« on: October 15, 2009, 02:48:05 PM »
Because of a mislabeling, in a formula that includes both MIBK and MEK, i put MIBK in the MEK's place.  SO, lots of MIBK and no MEK to a well established recipe.  Can anyone think of any structural or chemical differences between these two similar solvents.  Viscosity, dry time, chemical interactions problems.  Thank you!

Offline marquis

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« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2009, 11:36:52 AM »
The Merck Index shows big boiling point and melting point differences between the two.  You could start there.

Could you increase the size of the batch?  If you know the amount of MIBK you added, you can increase the batch size and add the needed amount of MEK to balance the formula.  You can only use this approach if your equipment can handle the larger size batch.  Also, no other chemical change, like crosslinking, could already have occurred.
Sorry to say this. Most of the time in these situations, we ended up scrapping the batch.

Good luck.

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