Hi, heres the method for titration:
http://i35.tinypic.com/fu4djo.jpgIf I took ~ 42.75ml of FB2 and diluted with water.
What could be expected titre in the Titration part?
In this titration we are taking 25ml of FB3 (dil. FB2) with 25ml H2SO4 & 40ml distilled water
Following the full instructions, what could be the volume of KMnO4 (FB1) added at end point?
Normally isn't it ~ 24-27 ml titre of FB1 if just 25ml of FB2 (conc.)where in the flask?
PLease let me know as i'm unable to use lab for this experiment.
Heres the specifications for each chemicals used:
Will this be helpful in estimating the titre? If so, then please explain/show how?