1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data
I'm having trouble drawing a wedge-and-dash, 2 dimensional molecular structure for Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). All of the diagrams I've looked at (on the Wikipedia page, and some .edu websites) are incomplete: they either don't include the carbon and/or hydrogens molecules, or the wedges and dashes
2. Relevant equations
3. The attempt at a solution
I've tried drawing it based on other diagrams found on the internet, but they are all incomplete (none of them actually inclde C6H8O6 (6 carbon, 8 hydrogen, and 6 oxygen). As I said earlier, the creators of the 2d diagrams often omit some of the carbons and hydrogens, or don't put in the wedges/dashes.
I've also tried looking at 3d models to figure out when wedges and dashes should be put in, but its hard to tell whether or not the angle of the bond is coming towards you, away from you, or neither one.
I've mostly been using this website to try and figure out how to do this.
http://www.3dchem.com/molecules.asp?ID=69# ----------------------------
This is what I've figured out so far (it may or may not be correct):