hey guys
first a little intro, since I'm new here: I finally made up my mind I want to be a neuroscientist, since I think studying the brain is the best way to go about devising artificial general intelligence. I am studying linguistics now, though, at the undergrad level. We don't need chemistry for linguistics, but we do need it for neuroscience. So I'm reading Pauling's
General Chemistry and writing a solutions manual on wikibooks as I go along, bit by bit (there is no solutions manual for this classic as of yet)
this is my best work so far
http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Solutions_to_General_Chemistry/Elements_and_Compounds_Atomic_and_Molecular_Masseswhat I would really like is to get together some people here to help by reviewing and, for those who own or are willing to acquire the book, adding on more material