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Topic: Ethanol+Water mixture calculation  (Read 2261 times)

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Ethanol+Water mixture calculation
« on: November 17, 2014, 01:23:35 AM »
So we did a lab where we mixed 10 ml of 95%ethanol with 10 ml of water and the volume of the mixture we measured was 19.60 ml. Even though we know the volume of the mixture is 19.60 our teacher wants us to calculate what the volume of the mixture should have really been and compare it to what we got.

Now the first thing we need is the densities of 95% ethanol,water and the mixture
which ethanol we know it's .804 according to a chart, water I think is just 1?, and the mixture I'm having a little bit of trouble. I know we used this equation c1v1=c2v2 and c2 is what were looking for so please correct me if I'm wrong I put this (.95)(10?)=(c2)(19.60) and I got C2=.48 and the density of this is .918.

Now I have the find the mass of each 10 ml liquid so would that just be mass= D x V
so for ethanol it would be 10*.95 and water 10*1 and then you add both mass so I got 19.5 and now
the last step is the find the volume using the sum of mass so would it be V=M*D which I got 19.5 and now the density I multiply would it be .918? If so I get this 17.90 does this sound about right or should my calculations have added up to 20 ml I know it's a lot but atleast I attempted it I just need someone to double check please

Offline Corribus

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Re: Ethanol+Water mixture calculation
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2014, 09:58:56 AM »
Now the first thing we need is the densities of 95% ethanol,water and the mixture
which ethanol we know it's .804 according to a chart, water I think is just 1?, and the mixture I'm having a little bit of trouble. I know we used this equation c1v1=c2v2 and c2 is what were looking for so please correct me if I'm wrong I put this (.95)(10?)=(c2)(19.60) and I got C2=.48 and the density of this is .918.
It's a little unclear what way your teacher wants you to go about this, but I think what he means by what the volume "should have been" is just 20 mL - if you mix 10 mL + 10 mL, the volumes should under a first approximation be directly additive. Of course, they're not, which is I guess going to be the point of the lab. You have about 0.4 mL unaccounted for.
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