The interatomic disatances in N2, and N2+ are 0.112 and 0.129nm; in Cl2 and Cl2+ they are 0.199 and 0.189nm. Using the Mo theory, explain why the N2+ cation has a longer bond length than N2, while the Cl2+ cation has a shorter bond legnth than Cl2. Use energy level diagrams in your explanation.
b)give the electronic configuration of the N2+ cation..
okay so firstly i know that the electrons in the bonding molecular oribtitals are responsible for holding the atoms together,N+2 should have a weaker, and, therefore, longer bond than N2. But how do i use the energy level diagram?

can some one please explain how to draw one?
and why is Cl2+ shorter bond?
what is the difference between the electronic configuration of N2+ and electron configuration? can someone please shed some light on to approach. thanks a lot