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Topic: Inter and Intra Molecular forces  (Read 4978 times)

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Offline SoleSky

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Inter and Intra Molecular forces
« on: December 10, 2009, 08:08:55 PM »
My teachers exact words are:
Intermolecular forces (IMF)-forces that hold molecules together
-Happens between covalent compounds
-Can be weak or strong
Intramolecular Forces- Chemical bonds (ionic, covalent, metallic)
-Happens within a molecule or compound
-always strong

Someone please explain to me the difference, or give an example of each or something, because it is just not clicking. Sorry

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Re: Inter and Intra Molecular forces
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2009, 09:49:50 PM »
The classification scheme depends on whether we want to talk about the interactions in a single molecule or the interactions that allow a molecule to interact with its neighbors. Intramolecular interactions are those that take place inside of one molecule. Together they form the structure of that molecule by forming the bonds that link the atoms within a molecule together with one another. Intermolecular interactions occur between one molecule and one (or more) other molecules. These interactions exist to link one molecule to another molecule.

If you have just one isolated molecule you can only have intramolecular interactions. To have intermolecular interactions you need at least one more molecule so that the two molecules can interact with each other.

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