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Topic: Molar conductance  (Read 3398 times)

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Molar conductance
« on: December 13, 2009, 04:26:51 PM »
Hello everyone, i have a problem =)
I'm trying to see how many ions are in solution of some Ni complexes, using the molar conductivity.
So far so good, but i'm getting weird values, i've done the math over and over again, and i'm not getting reasonable results to compare with a table i found.
The solvent used is nitrobenzene, and the values range from 20 to 100 (from 2 to 5 ions), and the values i'm getting range from 0 to 6. I'm trying to find other sources for the values of nitrobenzene.
This is what i am asking, if anyone knows any place where i can check the molar conductance for nitrobenzene.
I'm guessing that the table i have has values in the order of S/(mol cm) and my experimental values show the result in S/(cm^2 mol).
Or i'm just doing something else wrong.

Thanks in advance

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