for some reason the big thing to do now is to fill your tires with N2. i'm not sure about the science behind it, but I think i remember hearing some stats supporting its use.
pros for N2: some (possibly fraudulent) data seems to support it, it's cheap, easily purified, inert, nontoxic
cons for N2: probably doesn't do that great of a job in reality
the CO2 thing you brought up is intriguing, and confusing... why, if the solubility of the CO2 is higher in rubber, doesn't the CO2 stay in the rubber, as opposed to diffusing out on the other side of the tire? behind this question lies some doubts in my mind that the solubility of CO2 is measurably different from any of the other gases in the atmosphere in rubber.
in any case, it would be interesting to know which gas is indeed best. my vote is N2. you wouldn't even need a pump, just a dewar of liq N2.