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Topic: Can someone check my work?  (Read 5259 times)

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Offline bpeck8

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Can someone check my work?
« on: January 24, 2010, 03:45:31 PM »
This is the question:

What mass of napthalene, C10H8, must be dissolved in 200.g of benzene to produce a solution with a freezing point 1.70 C below that of pure benzene? Kf for benzene is 5.12 C Kg/mol.

My work:

Tf=Kfm, Tf=m

(200g benzene)(0.001Kg) = .2Kg benzene

1.70 C          = moles of C10H8
5.12 C Kg/mol    .2Kg benzene

(.2Kg)(.332Kg/mol)= moles of C10H8

.0664mol=moles of C10H8

(.0664mol)(104g  ) = 6.91 g H10H8
                1 mol

Offline Schrödinger

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Re: Can someone check my work?
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2010, 03:14:24 AM »
This is the question:

What mass of napthalene, C10H8, must be dissolved in 200.g of benzene to produce a solution with a freezing point 1.70 C below that of pure benzene? Kf for benzene is 5.12 C Kg/mol.

My work:

Tf=Kfm, Tf=m

(200g benzene)(0.001Kg) = .2Kg benzene

1.70 C          = moles of C10H8
5.12 C Kg/mol    .2Kg benzene

(.2Kg)(.332Kg/mol)= moles of C10H8

.0664mol=moles of C10H8

(.0664mol)(104g  ) = 6.91 g H10H8
                1 mol

Molecular mass of naphthalene = 104? Please recheck that.
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Offline bpeck8

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Re: Can someone check my work?
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2010, 01:44:49 PM »
hehe yeah, made that mistake. 128

answer turns out to be 8.45

thanks for the help

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