Hi Typhoon,
Thanks for your reply, I shall indeed search stripping columns once I have posted.
In the meantime, just to clarify and frame my questioning a bit. Cost is of zero importance and I do not need nor seek any information on any costing for anything whatsoever, zero. These are purely questions based on chemistry principles, nothing more.
Yes I am looking into scrubbers for CO2 CO SO and SO2 (though on wiki only CO2 is classed as a greenhouse gas for some reason). Sodium Hydroxide was the first answer I was given so I am running with that answer at the moment as a benchmark sort of thing, I am happy with that answer.
My only remaining question on this topic is (drum roll maestro, if you please...) If I were to introduce say 10ml of Sodium Hydroxide into a CO2 environment would that convert only 10ml of CO2, would it be more, would it be less? What would 10ml of CO2 weigh and what is its volume in m3? Please note that the answers can be for a static environment if need be (perfect conditions) i.e. a sealed container containing as much CO2 as you want then the Sodium Hydroxide is introduced to react. Sorry I would also need to know roughly how long the process would take until the 10ml is spent (again roughly), an hour, a day, a week, that sort of thing.
All I ask is very rough ballpark figures I do not request anyone work it out for me (apologies as I am unable to do this myself) just rough figures.
Many many thanks for your indulgence and time, it is greatly appreciated and I apologies unreservedly if my questioning is so incredibly niiave, this is simply because this is not my "thing" it's yours.