I should first apologize for abbreviating "regarding" in the subject title, however, I ran out of letters to use and that word was marginalized by the importance of the others. Though it is likely evident from the information provided on this website, this is my first real post. I apologize for any improprieties with respect to my post and request that you please inform me of them so that I can alter my approach in the future.
Both of my questions stem from Chapter 13 (or 31, if you possess the one-volume text), "The Boltzmann Distribution", in Engel and Reid's Thermodynamics, Statistical Thermodynamics, and Kinetics (or, Physical Chemistry, in the one-volume edition). My more perplexing question arises from page 312 in the two-volume edition, equation 13.34. The authors are demonstrating the dominance of the Boltzmann distribution by taking the natural log of the ratio of the weight of the Boltzmann distribution (dominant configuration) to that of another configuration, which has been modified by a change in the system. This expression is eventually determined to equal sums featuring occupation numbers and fractional changes in occupations numbers.
My first question is how the authors were able to convert ln(an) to (ln(a0) - beta * epsilonn), where an is the occupation number of the nth energy level, beta is a Lagrange multiplier used earlier in the analysis, and which remains in the expression for the Boltzmann distribution, and epsilonn is the energy of the nth energy level. What earlier equation or piece of information was necessary to make this change?
My second question seems, to me, anyway, to possess a simpler answer. On pages 305-306 of the same chapter, the authors are in the midst of deriving the Boltzmann distribution by showing that the Boltzmann distribution can be found as the maximum of the curve relating the natural log of the weight of an energy configuration to the occupation number. When the derivative of the natural log of weight with respect to occupation number equals zero, the original curve is at a maximum. The authors then use the derivative of their previously obtained expression for weight, with respect to occupation number, to derive the Boltzmann distribution. They soon make the claim that the derivative of the total number of particles over which the energy is distributed, with respect to the occupation number of the nth energy level, is equal to 1, since, when you sum the occupation numbers for all n, you obtain the total number of particles in the system.
\frac {dN} {da_{n}} = 1 /
It seems to me, though, that this derivative is actually determining the change in the total particle population with respect to the change in occupation number. Since there is no change to the total population of particles, I would reason that the derivative of this term should equal zero. I am quite certain that I am wrong, since this change would seemingly result in a different expression of the Boltzmann distribution.
I would like to thank, in advance, anyone who is willing to offer their help in these matters. It is quite possible that the answers are obvious, but I have been struggling with these problems for several days, and I do not believe that I will find the answers on my own. Also, I apologize for any issues regarding my post. I tried to limit my focus to the information that I believe is necessary to solve the problem. If you need me to alter the content of this post in any way, I will do so. This includes summarizing, expounding, reformatting, clarifying, etc. Thanks again.