I remember this lab. I am guessing you made the Iron cyanate complex, and it was orange colored? You use a Spec 20 or UV/Vis spectrophotometer to find lambda max?
If you plot your absorption vs concentration, you should be able to come up with a graph in excel, then using the, "add trendline" "show equation" you should be able to get what you are looking for.
Sorry, I probably have that lab handout somewhere in my messy room...but I couldn't find it easily. I don't remember the equations associated with the absorption shiz.
So, like you said, go into excel.
put in a cell, =(1/(Insert cell letter and number here) (where the cell is the data points for T, or transmittance)
and in the other column, put =ln(insert cell and number here)
then drag it down the length of the column, and it will auto input that formula for all the data points. Excel is a b$*%(, but its cool once you get to know it.