I'm having a lot of trouble deciphering this NMR and would REALLY appreciate some help. I performed an 1H-NMR on an unknown compound in DMSO. Due to the IR and a 2,4-DNP test i know that I have a ketone and no other functional groups. The IR also produced no c-h alkane stretches, only c-c aromatic stretches, the carbonyl stretch, and some other weak intensity stretches at 1282, 1168, 935, 806 and 691.
1H NMR shifts are:
2.5 s (DMSO)
3.35 s int. of 5
7.95 d of d, int. 2
8.25 d of d, int. 2
(I chose the integration values of 5 for the singlet, and 2 for each of the doublet of doublets)
the d of d at ~8.25ppm is different than the 7.95 peak in that the intensities of the outer peaks are greater than that of the inner peaks, whereas in the 7.95 doublet of doublets, the intensity of each peak decreases as you're going upfield.
Another strange, probably inconsequential aspect of this proton nmr is that on the upfield-side of each d of d, there is a very weak peak VERY close, of intensity probably less than 1/10th of that of the doublet of doublet peaks. I would've written it off as background noise but because a small peak appears on both d of ds, and actually on the singlet too, it makes me wonder if it is a diagnostic peak. Thoughts?
This is the first time I've used 1h nmr to identify an unknown so I'd really appreciate any help you guys can give me to elucidate the identity of this compound.