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Topic: Flow Calculation  (Read 3628 times)

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Flow Calculation
« on: April 18, 2010, 07:35:07 PM »
Hoping someone can help.  Want to build a reservoir that will produce a consistent stream of water out of it by (i.e through holes are a slit in the bottom of reservoir.  Tank volume ~ 13 gallons; Dimensions 30x8x10 inch3.  Flow into the tank can be variable but let's assum 100 gallons / hour.  Flow rate can be adjusted.  Height of the reservoir above landing point is 12 inches. I want to estimate the quantity and amount of holes (of Area A) I can drill into the bottom of rervoir so that the tank does't overflow at a given inlet flow rate and that it has sufficent pressure to stream water out of the reservoir into a holding tank.

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