i have a very big Chem test tomorrow, and while i know most of the basics i'm struggling with some of the concepts and remembering them. so i'm hoping somebody can give me an easier way to remember the stuff, or just an easier way to learn it (my teacher isn't very good)
some questions that i have: change in Tb = Kb x m x i and change in Tf=Kf x m x i, i understand that i is the Van't hoff factor, and that m is molality.
please explain the Van't hoff factor... some examples are NaCl = 2, and CaCl2 = 3, (which both make sense to me) but then why does C6H1206 = 1?
i understand how to find Molality.
what is change in Tb and change in Tf? how do i find it?
what is Kb and Kf? how do i find it?