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Topic: Help with more half-reactions!  (Read 3685 times)

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Help with more half-reactions!
« on: May 10, 2010, 08:26:51 PM »
During the electrolysis of fused NaCl, which half-reaction occurs at the negative electrode?

A) Na+ + e-  ==>  Na0
B) 2Cl-  ==>  Cl20 + 2e-
C) Na0  ==>  Na+ + e-
D) Cl20 + 2e-  ==>  2Cl-

Please explain the answer... How do I tell which one is the anode and which one is the cathode if Cl isn't on Table J of the reference table? (Well, Cl is on Table J, but it's listed in the non-metals section while Na is in the metals section... how do I differentiate between anode and cathode in this case?)

Offline Grundalizer

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Re: Help with more half-reactions!
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2010, 08:39:02 PM »
The anode is ALWAYS where Oxidation takes place (loss of electron) but the anode is NOT always the "- negative" terminal.

So since it is oxidation taking place at the anode, we know we need to find a reaction that does NOT have any free electrons on the LEFT hand side of the arrow.  So we can immediately throw out A and D.

Now we are left with B and C.  Since it's in the fused state, Chlorine is the atom with the extra electron donated from sodium, so it has the electron to be "lost" to the anode, which in this case is the + terminal

B is the answer. 

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