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Topic: Common Difficulties and Successful Strategies for Passing Organic Chemistry  (Read 3199 times)

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Offline azmanam

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Copying this over from the Chemistry Blog[1] for posterity/search engine results here on the forums.  Blogger Jeremy[2] posts a list of 9 Common Student Difficulties in Organic Chemistry he found while setting up his classroom as a new professor. 

   1. Lack of organization
   2. Difficulty in keeping up with lecture while taking notes
   3. Failure to finish exams
   4. Inability to manipulate three-dimensional structures on paper
   5. Too little drill – lack of repetitive practice
   6. Falling behind
   7. Poor problem analysis
   8. Inability to see and mentally manipulate three-dimensional objects
   9. Insufficient energy and/or motivation for the challenges of this course

The tips sheet concludes:
"If you start to get into trouble in this course review this sheet.  Knowing what has gone wrong allows you to fix it."

Knowing why you got a question wrong is better than knowing that you got a question right.

Offline azmanam

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  • Mediocrity is a handrail -Charles Louis d'Secondat
In the comments[1], I[2] added my 6 Truths of Organic Chemistry that I have derived from tutoring a 15-20 students over 10 semesters of graduate school.  I will likely be sharing my list with my students when I start as a new faculty member in the fall.

#1) Approach unknown reactions just like you should approach all reactions
– Identify nucleophile(s)
– Identify electrophile(s)
– Nucleophiles attack electrophiles
– Repeat

#2) Weaker Acid Wins
– In and acid/base equilibrium, the equilibrium favors the side of the arrow with the weaker acid (the compound with the higher pKa)

#3) Mind your charges
– Make sure the net charge of all compounds is consistent throughout a mechanism

#4) The 2nd Best Rule
– The 2nd best resonance structure usually defines a functional group’s reactivity

#5) Carbonyls: THE CODE
– There are only 3 elementary steps in a carbonyl addition mechanism.
1) Proton Transfer (always reversible)
2) Nucleophilic Addition to a Carbonyl (electrons go up onto oxygen)
3) Electrons Collapse Down from Oxygen (and kick out a good leaving group.
The steps can be in any order and repeated, but those are the only 3 steps needed for addition to acid chlorides, acid anhydrides, aldehydes, ketones, amides, esters, and carboxylic acids (including aldol and Claisen reactions)

#6) When in doubt: Number Your Carbons!
– When coupling 2 molecules, if it not readily obvious where the various atoms go in the product, number the carbon atoms in the starting material and map those numbers on to the product.

Knowing why you got a question wrong is better than knowing that you got a question right.

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