Hi, I'm attempting my AP Chemistry summer assignment and I have a question..
It goes..
"Ethylene glycol is the main component in automobile antifreeze. To monitor the temperature of an auto cooling system, you intend to use a meter that reads from 0 to 100. You devise a new temperature scale based on the approximate melting and boiling points of a typical antifreeze solution(-45 degrees C and 115 degrees C). You wish these points to correspond to 0 degrees A and 100 degrees A, respectively"
a. Derive an expression for converting between degrees A and degrees C
okay, so i know that fist you have to find the difference in degree size..
so C's boiling point is 100, freezing is 0.. so 100-0 = 100
and C's boiling point is 115, freezing is -45.. so 115-(-45) = 160
so i know i'm multiplying by (100/160) or (5/8) somewhere..
and then i have to figure out the difference in zero point..
so to go from A to C, I have to add 45 degrees onto my zero point.
But how do i know if i do..
A(5/8) + 45 [multiply by (5/8) and then add 45]
(A+45)(5/8) [add 45, and then multiply by (5/8)]
Thank you!