Hi everyone
I've got a few problems that need rather urgent solving I would appreciate if anyone could post anwsers to one or more of the following problems:
Ex.1 A ball falls on the flour from the height h. After each bounce the velocity is decreased by a factor
a<1. How long the ball bounces before it stops completely? Earth acceleration is denoted by g.
Ex.2 Consider a system in equilibrium with a thermostat at temperature T. The energy of the system
can assume two values, -E or E. The degeneracy of the states with the energies -E and E is N-fold and
2N-fold respectively.
Calculate the average energy (a) for T=0K (b) for T∞
Ex.3 Consider a crystalline lattice consisting of N sites. N1=N1−x sites are occupied randomly by
noninteracting atoms, where 0<x<<1. Calculate the entropy of the system for N∞ .
(Stirling formula: for N∞ ln N !≈N ln N−N )
Thanks a lot in advance